
Friday, 23 December 2016

Häid Pühi! / Merry Christmas!

Jalutasin õhtul Tallinna vanalinnas ja jõudsin ühel hetkel ka jõuluturule Raekojaplatsil. Aeg oli juba hiline ja rahvast ning müüjaid vähe, aga tuledesära pimeduses oli endiselt rõõmsalt sillerdav. Tegin mõned pildid...oh, tuleks ometi lund!

I walked in Tallinn's Old Town one evening and I visited also a Christmas market in Town Hall Square. It was quite late already and most of the visitors and sellers were left but the Christmas lights were still on. Only snow is missing... I took some pictures.

Häid talvepühi!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Jõulumaja / Christmas House

Jõulumaja valmistasin vanast pappkarbist. Põhiliselt kasutasin erinevat pappi ja paberit, akrüülvärve ning voolimissavi. Vaata pilte lisaks minu käsitöö-blogist.

I made this Christmas House from an old cardboard box. Mainly I used different cardboards and papers, acrylic paint and polymer clay. More pictures you will find from my craft-blog.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Monday, 5 December 2016

Tikand / Embroidery

Nõukogude Naine, oktoober 1979

Kirjatud muster

Nõukogude Naine, oktoober 1979


Nõukogude Naine, oktoober 1979

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Värvide valik / Choosing colors

Lehel "Tehnikad/Techniques" panin kokku lühikese ülevaate näpunäidetest värvide valimisel.

On the page "Tehnikad/Techniques" I put together a brief overview of tips to select the colors.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


Those who have visited my craft-blog have probably noticed my great interest in handcraft. I just love it and I love to do it!

One of my weaknesses is that I do not focus on one thing. I like to learn and try new things – to try different materials or techniques. I just got an idea or vision and I have to do it! The creative process is one of the most exciting periods – to work out the designs and to find the right materials.
I will never make crafts for just making it! For me it is creation!

And now I have opened my craft web-shop in to share some of my works with you.

The shop name is


At the moment you can find:

Handmade cards

My interest in making the cards began when I started a tradition to send the handmade Christmas cards to my friends. It was some sort of reaction to quickly spread habit to send Christmas greetings via e-mails. And after that came birthday cards, wedding cards and baby cards.

Handmade jewelry

In jewelry I like the uniqueness. Handmade jewelry is something you can wear during the day or evening.  I use different materials – pearls, beads, felt, polymer clay. I put so much effort in designing and making my jewelry that I usually do not make them more than just one item.

Among my jewelry you can also find embroidered pendants. For my cross stitch patterns which I have especially made for these pendants I have got inspiration from traditional embroidery from Muhu island (Estonia). For 1 cm2 I have made at least 196 stitches. So I have achieved small but colorful embroidery. The dimensions of the oval pendant is 9 x 6 cm and round pendant 7,5 x 7,5 cm.

I guess jewelry is my another weakness…

Decorative ornaments

For many years making the Christmas ornaments have been my true love. Christmas time is such a period in a year that inspires me a lot. Every year I have design a new set of ornaments. The main material I have used is felt as it is just lovely material. But also beads, polymer clay, paper. In 2015 I have even published a small book of making the Christmas ornaments.

Some time later the handmade hearts were added to Christmas ornaments. As a lovely gift to the friends…

Nüüdsest on avatud keskkonnas minu käsitöö pood!

Poe leiab nime alt IKICraftByIrena

Hetkel leiab poest müügil käsitöökaarte, -ehteid ja jõuluehteid.  

Teretulemast külla!
Welcome to my shop!


Monday, 7 November 2016

Friday, 4 November 2016

Monday, 31 October 2016

Tikitud kaelus

Nõukogude Naine, august 1980

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Labakindad / Mittens

Nõukogude Naine, september 1964

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Labakindad / Mittens

Nõukogude Naine, jaanuar 1967

Labakindad / Mittens

Nõukogude Naine, september 1967

Wednesday, 5 October 2016